For some services, you do not need to wait for your GP to refer you; you can self-refer or get advice. These services include:
Harlow Midwives Self Referral Form (Pregnancy referral for maternity booking)
You can self-refer to your midwife without seeing your GP by completing the form relating to the area that you live in.
Essex Sexual Health
Provide CIC is leading a collaboration of organisations to deliver a service providing a full range of sexual health services for the people of Essex.
Healthy Minds (counselling) self-referral
Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies is part of the NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) initiative, offering free and confidential talking therapy and practical support for adults with common mental health problems including anxiety and depression.
Essex Specialist Drugs and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Service (Essex STaRS)
In Essex we have introduced a new way of delivering care to substance misusers in the community called Essex Specialist Treatment and Recovery Service (Essex STaRS), under which all our services users will be looked after by one of a number of new specialist teams.
NHS website information about this service
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (MSK)
Physiotherapy treatment can be used for musculoskeletal problems (MSK) such as neck, back, knee and shoulder problems, as well as other muscle or joint problems such as strains and arthritis.
Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Program
NUPAS (National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service)
They provide FREE pregnancy advice, counselling and termination of pregnancy services. This includes pregnancy testing, STI screening and contraception. Initial consultation appointments are available 7 days a week. They also provide these services for private patients.
MSI Reproductive Choices UK (formerly Marie Stopes UK)
You don’t need a GP referral to access NHS funded abortion care. MSI provide NHS-funded and private abortion and vasectomy care through their network of local clinics across England
Carers Trust
Carers Trust help unpaid carers have access to the support, advice and resources.
Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)
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